Sexual Rimming and the Risk of Sexually Transmitted Infections

Sexual Aesthetics and Romantic Attraction

Asexuals may find someone’s physical appearance to be aesthetically appealing, but they will not find them sexually attractive. Pansexuals, on the other hand, can find anyone aesthetically appealing, regardless of gender. This article explores these different...
Sexual Rimming and the Risk of Sexually Transmitted Infections

The Definition of Sexual Selection

Sexual selection is a mode of natural selection in which members of one biological sex select mates of the opposite sex. As a result, they compete with each other for survival and reproduce. This process allows for rapid evolution. In nature, sexual selection has led...
Sexual Rimming and the Risk of Sexually Transmitted Infections

Games For Couples That Are Sexually Explicit

There are several different types of games for couples that are considered sexually explicit. These include Poker, Monopoly, Nookii, and XXXplicit. These games are great for building anticipation for in-person encounters, so that they will be more exciting. However,...
Sexual Rimming and the Risk of Sexually Transmitted Infections

Sexual Memes to Send to Your Crush

If you’re looking for sexual memes to send to your crush, you’ve come to the right place. These memes range from Romeo and Juliet to Lesbian and Flirting. There’s even one about Romeo’s affection erection! So go ahead, send your crush some of...

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